I really need to save up for a nice digital camera. ( +_+) I had to use my cell phone this time, so some of my main photos are a little blurry. It's weird, though. Some of the pictures turned out REALLY nice while the others turned out relatively poor. I tried to make up for it with close-ups, but I'm hoping to get a new camera soon, so I won't have to deal with that anymore.
Also~ for all of you shmancy bloggers out there, how do I get rid of the pesky size restriction on my photos? Every time I upload them, they get all small and shrinky and the details get hard to see. I'd really appreciate the help!
So blurry. ):
Sweater- christmas gift (American Eagle?), random dress worn as skirt, skeleton tights- Walmart, shoes- Converse
If you look behind me, you can see one of my cats!
Nope. I will probably never get tired of these tights.
Also~ check my lovely Descendents patch!! Greatest Christmas presents ever? I think so. I have the greatest best friend ever. *u* Now I just have to figure out where to put all of these snazzy patches...
You can get some patches like these for yourself from lavendertrap on etsy.
I don't think I've ever uploaded a picture of my red bangs yet! I did them some time in September, I think.
Current playlist:
Tuff Ghost- The Unicorns